KIA ORA FANS Today is the 131st day anniversary (daiversary?) of me leaving NZ. (Don’t trust my maths too much tho…) Well, coincidentally 131 is one of the best numbers in the world so it seems like a good moment to finally do my New Zealand-summary-entry ready for future new travelly entries! As I […]
New Zealand

Hello awesome peoples, This may or may not be the final blog entry for now, but don’t worry, it’ll be good, since it was the day of THE SKY TOWEEEEEEERRR. So, yesterday (the 2nd) started off with an AMAZING brekkie at Hollywood Café in the centre of Northcote. CC had Eggs Hollandaise and I had […]
Christmas and New Year in Kiwiland!

Happy 2014!! Our ‘proper’ Christmas celebration was on the 28th with CC’s family and 30-odd relatives. A full, hectic day (we did Sheepworld in the morning, got home, and the first visitors came within ten minutes of getting back – we were held up due to a traffic accident – saw my first ever rescue […]

Baaaaaaaa, Welcome to Christmas Part 2. And Sheepworld. Especially Sheepworld. Because I LOVED Sheepworld. (Edit: Or, actually JUST Sheepworld. It seemed to need its whole own entry. :P) Yesterday morning (the 28th) CC and I drove to Sheepworld, 20mins away from Wellsford. Sheepworld is… a world of sheep. And of many other farm animals, who […]
means bless you in Maori. No it doesn’t really. I’ve just been having serious problems trying to come up with a title for this. Ok so Christmas special-time. HAPPY CHRISTMAS. This is my favourite tree in NZ, the Pohutakawa, also known as the ‘NZ Christmas tree’. GORGEOUS eh!? Our more ‘traditional’ Christmas will be tomorrow […]
Climbing Rangitoto the volcano
Hello my preciouses, So, Saturday we went to explore Rangitoto Island. A volcanic island in the Hauraki gulf, 5.5km wide island, an iconic and widely visible landmark of Auckland with a distinctive symmetrical 260 m-high shield volcano cone. (Ta wikipedia!) One of the main naturey tourist attractions of the Auckland area. After a scrumptious home-cooked […]
Rotorua Part 2: Kiwis and Tuataras and the experience of lugeing!
iHOLA! So, continuing about Friday. Rainbow Springs. Rainbow Springs is “based around NZ’s largest and most successful Kiwi Conservation Centre” and have released over 1,000 kiwis into the wild. ( In addition to kiwis, it has loads of endemic NZ trees and birds and fish and lots of information on them.Firstly I just have to […]
Whangarei, Matamata (Hobbiton) & Rotorua Part 1
Coucou mes chéris! The 19th was the day of Whangarei (pronounced “Fangarei” in a Finnishy accent) (it rhymes!) and Hayzybobzykins. Whangarei is the northernmost city in New Zealand, sort of half-way between Auckland and Russell, so it seemed like a nice half-way point to meet. CC and his housies said it’s not the best town […]
DEVONPORT I love you

Good day fellow human beings, ‘Today’ (the 18th) was a very good day, the day we went to Devonport. Devonport would be a 1½h walk away, or two buses. I decided to walk the way of the first bus (38mins, according to googlemaps), and take the second one. Buses are a hassle and I decided […]
Birkenhead and Kiwi spelling
WAZZZZAAAAAA homies, Today our first topic shall be Kiwi spelling. One of our first days roadtripping there was a sign next to the road advertising strawberries. (So, letting drivers know there is a stall/little shop selling strawberries in a bit down the road.) Except it wasn’t spelt strawberries, it was spelt STRWABERRIES. Quick typing probs… […]