Oh deer! It’s time for my 100th post. Let’s start by thanking all my deerest readers, you make me deerlirious of joy, thank you for existing. <3 I have a story for you. Once upon a time, there was an epic city in a far, far away land. It so happened that one day, the […]
Dubai 2 Auckland via Oz
9/12/2013 klo 7.17am(9.17pm previous evening English time? Maybe? So confused), BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA. Tbf, all airports look pretty similar. I honestly can’t believe it. 20mins-ish till boarding my final flight. Just over three hours to NZ. This has gone so quick. 9/12/2013 attempt 2, klo 19.26 (not 10.26 as my computer is claiming, still in […]