Wazzzaaaaa my dearests, Today was the day for Uluwatu, venturing even further south. Uluwatu is famous for rich couples and rich families staying at cool resorts, with nothing much else around. But many places also claimed it had the the nicest, most peaceful beaches around. And scenery in general. For some reason, even though I […]
Motorbiking it to Saigon – Attempt 1

Well, three months ago I didn’t even dream of owning a motorbike. Two months ago I considered the idea crazy. A month ago I thought the idea quite likely, but one thing I definitely would not do for a while is the crazy trip nick-named the ‘death ride’ or something like that by one of my […]
To the Eery North FEAT. SAND DUNES
12. December 2013 Today we left Russell, unfortunately leaving Hayzybobzykins who would be starting her job there the next day. To clarify things I just drew myself a map of where we went, though it does not really show well online… SOZ. Google map it. (Up the east coast, up to the very tip, […]
Off to the other side of the world…
Dear family, friends and fans, For about ten years there has been a country I’ve been obsessed about. Originally the main reason was because it was so far away, but then it evolved into a more general interest in the amazing scenery, the exciting possible adventures and the cool accent. But it was always […]