When I bought myself a motorbike in Vietnam, I accepted the fact that a motorbike accident would happen sooner or later. In a country with one of the highest traffic injury rates in the world, all I could hope was that when it was my turn, it’d end up ok. Well, the inevitable finally happened […]
The Clash of Beaches

What do you think of if I ask you to imagine a Beach? Translucent turquoise waters lapping the warm silky sand of the pristine coastline, with a few perfectly placed palm trees bordering the natural greenery of this secluded beach where it just happens to be just you? Or a packed shore full of stressed, […]
The Scenic Routes of Phu Quoc

First, a disclaimer: This all happened in November 2015, at the end of the rainy season, so don’t take this as up-to-date fact, but more as an entertaining story. I’m sure Phu Quoc is very different nowadays – and outside the rainy season. The Phu Quoc islands – I’d always heard loads about them. They […]
Mallorca Day 3: Stodgy Spanish omelette and friends
18.08.2014 Yesterday was beach-day, today was shopping-day. Five years ago we discovered, by accident again, our new favourite clothes shop Blanco – basically a more colourful Spanish H&M. Then, H bought a pair of red boots for ten or twenty euros, and I bought a pair of yellow ones, and here was the result. The […]
The Real Spain-Holiday Sequel: Mallorca Day 1
Intoxicated and far too numerous English and German tourists fighting over who can first reserve the hotel beach loungers with their beach towels. That is Palma de Mallorca according to the most recent news article I read. On a happier note, it was also the destination for me and two of besties, H and H-le, […]