KIA ORA FANS Today is the 131st day anniversary (daiversary?) of me leaving NZ. (Don’t trust my maths too much tho…) Well, coincidentally 131 is one of the best numbers in the world so it seems like a good moment to finally do my New Zealand-summary-entry ready for future new travelly entries! As I […]
Dubai 2 Auckland via Oz
9/12/2013 klo 7.17am(9.17pm previous evening English time? Maybe? So confused), BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA. Tbf, all airports look pretty similar. I honestly can’t believe it. 20mins-ish till boarding my final flight. Just over three hours to NZ. This has gone so quick. 9/12/2013 attempt 2, klo 19.26 (not 10.26 as my computer is claiming, still in […]